I’m doing my best to keep up with my tradition of making my big announcements on April Fools’ Day, preferably unbelievable ones like my amusement park that actually does exist(on Second Life). I wish my program was finished enough to announce what it is, but it’s best if I delay the announcement until I have something to show off. I considered posting an outright lie for April Fools’ Day, but I have STANDARDS here.

However on ICWutUDidThar.com, I don’t have such standards. I made an announcement there, as well.

UPDATE the next morning: Oh, I just realized I have sway over the software choices of 7 different churches(only 3 that could make use of it). Yeah, I live in a family of preachers. Not sure about business connections, but I expect it to be found by the right people.



Every April fools’ day, I like to announce things that are actually true, like my theme park opening*, or Death having an imposter on Twitter**.
*2010, on Second Life      **2011, @thefakedeath, and tweeted throughout April Fools’ Day 2012
This year is no different!
This year, I would like to announce a new computer program I’m working on that will rival a certain hugely popular program.
Yep… I’d really like to announce it today.
*ahem* It’s… not quite ready to announce yet. Expect the announcement in a few months and a beta version in December.