There are even smaller nations that compete internationally today, like Sealand(550 square meters), which has more athletes than residents(their soccer team lives in Kentucky). I actually wouldn’t be surprised if Sealand got in the Olympics. They already have 2 silver medals from the World Cup of Kung Fu!


Edit: random rings added to Death’s dress the next day

MORE edit: Kenny’s ear twitch added.

Edit number 3: Note about the internetes has been added.

The year is 2132

They rejected my bid for hosting the Olympics again!

Kenny: We don’t have enough internetes for it, anyway.

*”Internetes” is the currency of Ook Island.

Death: We are a valid country!

Kenny: …that’s 256 meters wide, and 500 citizens strong.

Death: We have plenty of room for stadiums if we can justify buying more ships and platforms.

Kenny: Maybe we should start with getting an athelete in the games. Do they still race in the nude?