Fuego is hoping that girls will be fighting over him, at least.

The year is 2132

Kenny: How do you like your new house, Fuego?
Fuego Hare:
It’s a little drafty, but at least now I can bring girl rabbits home without my family trying to start a conversation with us every few minutes.
Kenny: Ehhh, you’re the only rabbit on the island. I hope that doesn’t matter.
Fuego Hare:
Well… I’ve dated a few cats. Cats are okay.
As abundant as cats and rabbits are in Tarnation, there’s only one cat here, and he’s male.
Fuego Hare: Anybody else besides ferrets and lemmings?
Kenny: Yes… three foxes, but my mom is too old for you, my brother is too young, and I’m married.
Fuego Hare: So, I guess it’ll just be ferrets & lemmings fighting over me.