Happy Towel Day!
Every Towel Day, which is always on May 25th, fans of the Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy books celebrate Douglas Adams by carrying a towel with them. Also every Towel Day, I put my Don’t Panic towel on display at Kennyland. The towel is always available for free in the freebies cart, but on the special day, I make it available by itself, as well. You can lay down on it right next to the other towels on the beach & click the rolled-up version at the head of the towel to get one of your own. You can visit Kennyland on Second Life here.
Chattering dolphin is here for one day only, as well, with floating text next to it translating its noises into English.
UPDATE(4:11am CST): I’ve scattered the Don’t Panic towels around the beach, and even put one on the soup bowls ride. You can actually ride the soup bowls ride on a Don’t Panic towel!
what the heck is towel day
More information at Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Towel_Day