Before there were ferrets and lemmings, there was Kenny Chronicles
One-comic archives are useless… so here’s a sampling of 84 relevant strips/storylines from my previous comic, Kenny Chronicles, so you can know what to expect from Ferrets Vs Lemmings. If this isn’t enough archive for ya, head over to Kenny Chronicles’ New Readers page so you can select a more thorough archive dive. Almost 4 years of archives. Many of the comics have my old Twitter username of @will_yums, btw, so just remember that it’s @ferretwilliams now(or @TheFakeDeath for Death’s imposter). Now, on with the bonus archive(I will not provide translation for these comics, although Spanish readers can start with this page on the old Spanish website)…

Here’s the comic referenced in the above comic, from before I incorporated 3D…
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