That’s right, I don’t pay for TV. I’d say that makes me rare, but there are a lot of people switching to the internet for their television content now, so I guess I’m ahead of the times. Except I don’t watch many shows online, either.



Ever since the United States switched to digital TV in 2009, reception hasn’t been nearly as good over the air.
Message: Signal lost. Switch to cable? Yes / No

You either get a glorious high-definition picture sent to your old standard definition TV or you got nothing. This makes you miss a lot of important plot points.
Darth Vader: No… I am your ____.
Ferret: You’re Luke’s what?!

The signal for CBS suffered the worst, which wasn’t a huge loss, since I don’t watch any of their shows.
Message: Cannot find station. …Oh, the Super Bowl is on CBS this year? Switch to cable? Yes / No

The reception really ruins a certain local construction company’s ad that addresses home owners…
TV: Hello, home o… (was saying “Hello, home owners”, but the signal was lost at a point that makes it sound like “Hello, homo”, which is slang for “Hello, homosexual”. Puns are annoying to make accessible to automatic translations.)
Ferret: Pardon me?