Shark And Bunny Day
Did you hear that it’s Shark Week on the Discovery Channel? Well, it is.
The year is 2132
Pink rabbit: Shark!
Kenny: Yes. There is indeed a shark on the other side of the thick metal wall between us and the ocean. Good observational skills, you big jumpy bunny.
I can see a pen(is). [not really but if i was on that beach i would be staring]
Hey… I thought Fugeo was the only hare…
Wasn't it only Ferrets and Lemmings on Ook Island except for Kenny's family?
There are plenty of visitors. In this case, I just wanted to include a fat bunny because it's also Fat Bunny Week on, which always corresponds with Shark Week. Although, Fat Bunny Week seems to have been cancelled this year after much outcry against it last year. Oh well, next comic was already planned to only focus on Shark Week, anyway, so no loss there.