Quick summary: No comic tomorrow, and I’m not sure about next week either.

It started with this storyline requiring more planning than expected. Then life got busier. Then there was a fire at my house last Friday that we’re still cleaning up after and I’m wearing a dust mask as I type this(not all the time, just when cleaning up the house). Everybody’s fine, thankfully.

Sometimes, life just gets in the way of hobbies. I had a storyline that was supposed to start Monday. I’m trying to decide what to do about that. I might just delay that storyline and have it less time-sensitive.

UPDATE: No comic for September 24th, either. The fire happened a week before I was already planning on heading out of town to clean up my dad’s house after he died in November. Last week was simply packed with 12-hour shifts of cleaning and going through his stuff, and I’ll have to get up early to get my cat from the boarding place. I’m sure he really misses his home and his humans.

While we were cleaning up my dad’s house, our insurance paid for a cleaning crew to clean up after the fire at our house. The house is livable again, but there’s still some work to be done. Hopefully it doesn’t affect Thursday’s comic.

UPDATE AGAIN: Not October 1st, either.