As I drew this, I was watching the footage of the Curiosity rover on my PHONE. Pictures from Mars(and smooth video of the NASA team), sent straight to my phone. I love living in the future.

Also, I have the next 3 comics already scripted. Let’s see if that leads to any on-time comics! Hard to say, considering I have a busy couple of weeks happening at the same time. Still, this comic was scripted ahead of time in the same chunk & it’s going online at least 4 hours earlier than usual. We’ll see how it goes.

The year is 2132

Back and forth: Duck season! Rabbit season! Duck season! Rabbit season!
Fuego Hare: Duck season!

Kenny: Rabbit season!

Death: Hey, guys, what are you arguing about?

Kenny: We’re trying to decide which video game to play.

Fuego Hare: And he wants to hunt innocent little rabbits, for some reason.

Kenny: They’re hardly innocent…