Why do they keep avoiding your name, Alexa? What’s the deal?
“Here are your deals… Marshall Pet Banana Hammock, it’s $15.10 after a discount of $6.49”
Shut up, Alexa!


A relevant song: My Dear Alexa, which is also available on Spotify.

↓ Transcript
Four ferrets discuss the business's latest news. "Where are we on the store's Christmas and Hanukkah donations, She-who-must-not-be-named?"
A spiky-haired ferret responds, "We've donated eleven tubes to the tubeless, five shiny toys for underprivileged ferret kits, and a hammock."
Turning to Garrett the ferret, the first mustelid mentions, "You-Know-Who also helped dig some tunnels for some disabled ferrets."
"Thanks for your hard work, She-who-must-not-be-named." gratifies another ferret.
Garrett the ferret inquires, "Where did you dig the tunnels, Alexa?"
The spiky-haired ferret glances mischievously at Garrett, "By a scary-looking eagle statue-"
Suddenly an Alexa smart speaker behind them notifies the room, "Okay, buying a scary-looking eagle statue."
"THIS IS WHY WE DON'T SAY HER NAME!" is yelled off-camera.