Based on a real experience I had on December 30, 2016. I later found out I simply had one of the files open that it was trying to write to.

I used some code from the actual automation to generate this. A co-worker did a double-take when he saw my screen output the text at the very bottom.

For anybody interested, here’s the actual source code for this comic, without any actual work done:

@echo off
color 0C

echo Doing all your work for you
echo ...
echo ...
echo ...
set loop=0
echo Access denied
set /a loop=%loop%+1 
if "%loop%"=="10" goto next
goto loop
timeout /t 10 >nul
color F0
echo Closing pod bay doors
timeout /t 1 >nul
echo Turning off life support......
timeout /t 10 >nul
↓ Transcript
A file named "Garrett's awesome automation.bat...bat.bat.bat" is opened, which outputs the following:
"Doing all your work for you."
"Access denied"
"Access denied"
"Access denied"
After it prints "Access denied" 10 times, Garrett yells, "What? I CREATED YOU!"
The text at the bottom of the comic continues with, "Closing pod bay doors. Turning off life support......"